Lynne and I met about fourteen years ago at an Antique Mall in Alpharetta, Georgia where we both rented booths and sold antiques and collectibles. I still worked for AT&T at that time and Lynne was making her living in the antique business.
I really can't say when we became such good friends. I just know it seems like she has always been there. After a few years Lynne moved to Florida to be closer to her family. I really thought we would probably not keep in touch because so many people don't.
But we did and we do. We try to talk at least once a week and sometimes more. Two years ago I packed up my car with my sewing machine, all of my fabric, and embellishmemts and off to Florida I went. When I got there she had made this sign. And it was hanging on the chandlier in her dinining room. But now is hanging in my sewing room.
For the next week we did nothing but eat, sleep and sew and sew and sew. She taught me things that she knew and I taught her things I knew. Ever since sewing has been my passion.
I want to introduce you to some of her creations. She sells on Ebay and if you are interested just click on the link below the picture and it will take you to her auction.
Chenille Cottage Victorian Purse
So I guess what I am trying to say is friends are so very important and we all need to keep them close and let them know every day what they mean to us.
Thank you Lynne for being my friend.
1 comment:
Hey Mrs. Charlotte, I love this post! Aren't good friends awesome? BTW, thanks for letting me know about the tags....Becs
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